Spatial thymus atlas is published in Nature!

Our single cell and spatial atlas of the developing human thymus is now out in Nature as part of the Human Cell Atlas paper collection. This is the result of a fantastic collaboration with the labs of Sarah Teichmann (Wellcome Sanger Institute) and Ron Germain (NIAID, NIH). Using spatial transcriptomics, high-plex protein imaging and multimodal single … Read more

Intrathymic dendritic cell-biased precursors promote human T cell lineage specification through IRF8-driven transmembrane TNF

The cross-talk between thymocytes and thymic stromal cells is fundamental for T cell development. In humans, intrathymic development of dendritic cells (DCs) is evident but its physiological significance is unknown. Here we showed that DC-biased precursors depended on the expression of the transcription factor IRF8 to express the membrane-bound precursor form of the cytokine TNF … Read more

We’re hiring!

We have open PhD and postdoc positions for projects on human γδ T cells. Curious about employing single cell and spatial technologies to study the development of this fascinating cell type and interested in computational biology? Apply now to join our lab!